The BKB Pastrami Booth

The BKB Pastrami Booth has been at the AV Fair annually since 1954. Pre-COVID, the BKB Pastrami Booth at the AV Fair was both BKB’s #1 fund raiser (typically $10,000 per year=14% of BKB’s annual operating income) and a major “fun raiser” (meet new people and reconnect with old friends).

The 2022 AV Fair took place for 8 days from Friday, September 23, through Sunday October 2 (closed September 26 and 27). THANK YOU TO THE MANY VOLUNTEERS who enabled us to fill 144, 3-4 hour shifts in order to operate the Booth throughout the AV Fair.

The Pastrami Booth also has been at the California Poppy Festival the past 2 years. The current Festival now takes place at the AV Fair Grounds.