Shalom and welcome to BKB! BKB has been the face of Judaism in the Antelope Valley since 1951. BKB is a warm and diverse Reform community, and we look forward to meeting you at a Shabbat service or one of our social or educational events. BKB is a place to learn, pray, and grow. BKB welcomes individuals exploring Judiasm, interfaith couples and families, LGBTQ individuals and families, singles, couples, and people of all ages and backgrounds.
Everyone is welcome to attend our weekly Friday night Shabbat services led by our Student Rabbi or one of our exceptional lay leaders (either streaming only or in-person and streaming) and our monthly Saturday morning service with our Student Rabbi. Join with us in prayer on the High Holy Days and other holiday celebrations. BKB provides Jewish education for all ages, including religious school and adult Jewish learning programs. All are invited to attend BKB social and community events.
To find out what is happening at BKB, please see the Calendar of Events Page on this website or look for the BKB page on Facebook by searching for “Congregation Beth Knesset Bamidbar”.
Congregation Beth Knesset Bamidbar welcomes the entire community to come and find out for yourself what BKB is all about.
Congregation Beth Knesset Bamidbar
The Reform Jewish Congregation of the Antelope Valley
BKB-An Inclusive Community for Belonging, Celebrating, and Growing