
Welcome to BKB

We’re so pleased that you have expressed an interest in Congregation Beth Knesset Bamidbar. Our congregation is the center of Reform Jewish Life in the Antelope Valley, and we are eager to help you make a connection here.

Everything that we do at “BKB” is focused on helping our members-adults and children-to form strong relationships and find deeper meaning in Jewish life.

Our community is lively and diverse, with backgrounds ranging from traditionally religious to secular. We are newcomers and long-time members; adults and children; individuals, couples, and families; interfaith; Jews by birth and Jews by choice; non-Jewish partners and spouses. All are welcome.

Our congregation’s purpose is to inspire our members to grow in heart, mind, and soul. Our goals are to make prayer meaningful, to offer learning for all ages that is accessible, enriching and relevant to our lives. We support one another through times of simchah (happiness) and sorrow, and we come together to engage in acts of tzedek (social justice and service to others).

Celebrating Shabbat with joy, peace and music is at the heart of our life together. Our Friday night services are a wonderful way to explore what BKB is about. 

Financial Support for BKB

We have chosen to come together for a common cause: to maintain a house of worship, a house of learning and a house of assembly. Therefore, we must assume the responsibility of meeting the fiscal needs of the entire BKB community.

Becoming a part of the BKB community differs from becoming, for example, a member of a club or a gym. As a member of the BKB community, your financial support helps ensure that your local Jewish community has a place to worship, learn and develop long-term relationships. The ability of BKB to provide quality programs and services to your Jewish community is dependent upon your contribution.

BKB is a non-profit religious institution belonging to its members. The primary source of funding for the congregation’s programs comes from the financial support provided by its members. The BKB leadership conducts the business affairs of the Temple. Through careful planning and review, the costs of operations are held to a minimum.

Please note:

  • Anyone who wants to be a BKB member can afford to be a member-no one is denied membership due to finances. If you are unable to contribute the standard level of financial support, please contact the BKB Office so that the BKB Financial Vice President can help you make other arrangements.
  • Because some households are not able to contribute the standard level of financial support, we encourage those who are able to become a BKB Benefactor by contributing an amount above the standard. BKB Contributors help to give every household the opportunity to participate fully in community life regardless of financial means.

You Are Invited to Join BKB

Please be in touch if you have any questions about membership. To join BKB, please call us at 661.942.4415 or e-mail us at .We look forward to welcoming you into our BKB community.